Plaskett and Petry Award Recipients for 2018!

The competition for this year’s Plaskett Award and Petry Award is complete! The 2018 Plaskett Award recipient is Karine Fréchette and the 2018 Petry winner is Adam Alexander Gunn. Karine and Adam received their awards at the RCA Annual General Meeting in Ottawa on Saturday May 19 at the new Ottawa Art Gallery. Congratulations Karine and Adam!

Thank you to our jury: Julie Trudel, Assistant Professor at UQAM; David Elliott, Professor at Concordia University, and Jennifer Lefort, Instructor at UQO and at the University of Ottawa. Mathieu Ménard assisted in the jury process. This Montreal-based jury saw many outstanding applicants. The images are always projected, and their quality is key. The jury was grateful to all the professors and senior artists who wrote thoughtful letters of reference.

We hope all 2018 applicants who are still eligible will apply again in 2019.

Plaskett and Petry Awards 2017

Jason Stovall is the 2017 Joseph Plaskett Award recipient! Based in Victoria, B.C., Jason completed his MFA (2016) at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. Thanks to Sky Glabush, Associate Professor at Western for the letter of reference. And congratulations  to Gillian King, MFA (2016–University of Ottawa), who is the Nancy Peltry Award winner. Thanks to Andrew Wright, Director of the Department of Visual Arts, University of Ottawa for his letter of support.

Jury for 2017 was held in Toronto. Thanks to artist and professor Laura Millard at OCAD who served as Chair, David Liss from MOCA, and Alexander Irving of University of Toronto. The experienced jury members enthusiastically offered their recommendations to the Joseph Plaskett and Nancy Petry Foundations and they offer congratulations the winners. Jen Aitken assisted the awards process.