Criteria of Eligibility

To meet the criteria of eligibility for the Plaskett Award, the Candidate has to be:

  • a Canadian citizen;
  • a visual artist in the field of painting;
  • an MFA student in one of the following situations:
    • who has been accepted into an MFA program;
    • who is currently in an MFA program;
    • who has graduated from an MFA program within the last 24 months. (Please contact us if you have any questions).
  • willing to live, travel, and create artwork abroad for a minimum of one year (for the Plaskett Award).

The Joe Plaskett Foundation is very flexible regarding when the stay abroad will take place. Recipients may choose to take a leave of absence from their university, or they may defer the award for a year.

Note: The Petry Award will not be offered in 2025. Thank you for your understanding!